Privacy Policy as at 2014 season 1
Information collected about players
Affiliated tennis clubs provide the following details of players in teams:-
- name (firstname and surname)
- date of birth
- gender
NSJTA collects
- results of all matches (players names and set scores)
Information available to the public about players
- name (firstname and surname)
- set scores and match statistics
Information disclosure about players
- no information on players is disclosed to any other organisation
(except publicly available information)
Information usage about players by NSJTA
- players statistics are used to assist in the grading of teams for the next season’s NSJTA competition
- players statistics may be used to assist with the selection of teams competing in Junior Pennant or representative events
Delegates and Grade secretaries
Information collected on club delegates and grade secretaries.
- name (firstname and surname)
- postal address
- contact phone numbers
- email address
Information available to the public about club delegates and grade secretaries
- for club delegates, only name and phone number
- for grade secretaries, name, postal address and phone number
Information disclosure about club delegates and grade secretaries
- no information on club delegates and/or grade secretaries is disclosed to any other organisation
(except publicly available information)
Information usage about club delegates and grade secretaries by NSJTA
- used solely for purpose of communicating with the club delegate and/or grade secretary
News and Events mailing list
Information collected from subscribers
Subscribers provide the following details:-
- name (firstname and surname)
- Club
- email address
Usage of contact information by NSJTA
- contact details will be accessible only by members of the NSJTA Match Committee
- email addresses with be used solely for purpose of communicating with the subscriber about NSJTA news and events
- emails will be blind copied or sent through the mailing list database and there will be no disclosure of email addresses to third parties or other subscribers